Useful Bible Studies > Jonah Commentary > chapter 4

A plant with large leaves brings comfort to Jonah

Jonah 4:6

Jonah was someone who allowed his emotions to become much too strong. We have just read about his fierce anger (4:1). Now we shall see that he became extremely happy. God had a strange way to deal with those emotions. Twice, God used something bitter to comfort Jonah. So, the great fish became sick in order to return Jonah to the land (2:10). Then, in this later passage, God caused a plant to grow in order to comfort Jonah. The name of that plant in the original language (Hebrew) seems to mean the ‘sick-sick’ plant. Probably, people called it by that name to warn that it was poison. It made them very sick if they ate it.

Jonah was sitting in the hot sun. So, he had gathered some branches to make a simple shelter. He just took whatever branches were lying on the ground. Perhaps some of those branches were still part of a living plant; or perhaps God caused that plant suddenly to grow over his shelter in an extraordinary manner. However, God prepared that plant in order to comfort Jonah.

Jonah too did not know where that plant had come from. He only saw that its giant leaves were growing over his shelter. So, Jonah was now sitting in comfort under the cool shade of the plant. The plant pleased Jonah; and he did not continue to think about the things that had made him angry.

Jonah relaxed for the first time in many days. He did not now give attention to the city called Nineveh, or to his own strong emotions. He felt free from strain. He looked at his plant, and he was happy. Perhaps it reminded him of the fact that God was looking after him. Even in this strange place, God was still providing for his comfort and relief.

Next part: God allows a worm to kill Jonah's plant (Jonah 4:7)


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