Useful Bible Studies > Philippians Commentary > chapter 4

God’s promise to those who give

Philippians 4:19

Sometimes God’s people give although they themselves are poor (Mark 12:41-44; 2 Corinthians 8:1-5). God has given them generous hearts; with a true attitude of love, they are eager to help other people.

Paul understood that. He was then a prisoner, and he very much needed help. That help had come in the form of gifts from the church at Philippi. Although a few of its members were rich, most of them would have been poor people. They themselves did not have everything that they needed – but they still wanted to give. So, Paul sent this special message to them.

God is generous and kind, and he provides for his people (2 Corinthians 9:10-11). It is God who provides food for everyone and everything (Psalm 136:25). So, God’s people should not be afraid to depend on him. They can trust him in every situation (Matthew 6:25-34).

God wants his people to be generous in their gifts; but he does not want them to give in a foolish manner. He does not want them to give for wrong purposes, or when they should be supporting their families (Mark 7:10-13; 1 Timothy 5:8). In these and all other matters, Christians should pray for God to give them wisdom (James 1:5). However, God’s wisdom is not like the world’s wisdom. This world’s wisdom causes people to become greedy and selfish. God’s wisdom causes people to be kind, and to carry out good and generous acts (James 3:13-18).

God rewards those people who give to him (Hebrews 11:6). He gives them so many good things, even in this life. However, God’s greatest gift to them is something that nobody can ever earn. It is God’s free gift of life without end, in heaven and the New Jerusalem. That is God’s gift to everyone who turns from their evil deeds, to put their trust in him (Mark 10:28-31).

Next part: The honour for God's goodness and kindness belongs to him alone (Philippians 4:20)


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