Useful Bible Studies > Revelation Commentary > chapter 7

All the angels praise God

Revelation 7:11-12

The attention of everyone in heaven is upon God and upon Christ. There, nobody wants to speak proudly about themselves, their own importance or the things that they have achieved. Instead, their desire is to speak about God, and to declare the wonderful things that he has done.

So, when the Christians from every nation praise God (verses 9-10), all the angels praise God too. The angels do not praise God for the same things that the Christians do. Christians praise God because he saved them. Their salvation (rescue and safety) comes from him. They were formerly his enemies, and they deserved only his punishment. Then God sent Christ, who by his death made it possible for them to have a right relationship with God.

However, the angels (God’s special servants) cannot praise God for their salvation. They never lost their right relationship with God, so God never saved them. However, they still have many things for which to praise God. The angel reply to the Christians with the word ‘Amen’, which means, ‘It is true’. Salvation does belong to God (verse 10). So does blessing (good words to praise God). So does glory (greatness). So does wisdom, because all true wisdom comes from God (Job chapter 28). It is right that everyone should thank God for his goodness. Because of his greatness, he deserves all the honour that is in heaven and earth. All power and strength is his; God can do all things (Luke 1:37).

All these things belong to God, he deserves them all. They are his now, and they will be his always.

As the angels praise God, they place their faces on the ground. In other words, they show humble attitudes. They do not even consider that they have the right to look upon God (Isaiah 6:2). Although angels are great and wonderful, they want God to receive all the honour.

Next part: The people who came out of the great tribulation (Revelation 7:13-14)


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