Useful Bible Studies > Revelation Commentary > chapter 19

The day of heaven’s royal wedding

Revelation 19:6

The voice from God’s throne (royal seat) had urged all God’s servants to praise him.

This last sound that John heard from heaven seems to be the sound of their voices. John does not on this occasion describe this great crowd; he only describes the sound of their voices. That sound was sudden and it was very loud. They needed nobody to encourage them further before they began to praise God. Their joy is complete; they only want to praise him.

The reason for this great happiness becomes clear in verse 7. This is the day of heaven’s royal wedding. Christ, God’s Son, will join himself in marriage to his people (see, for example, Ephesians 5:25-32, Isaiah 54:5, Psalm 45 and the Song of Solomon). Every wedding is a happy and special occasion; a royal wedding can be even happier, because everyone shares the joy. Here, Christ, the King of kings, is the bridegroom; and all his people, together, are the bride. So the joy of this special day really is without limit.

God’s people know that, at last, this very special day has arrived. Perhaps that is because they are watching the events in heaven. John will not describe those events until verse 11.

Since Christ entered heaven, he has remained in the place of honour at God the Father’s right side (Hebrews 1:3). In Psalm 110:1, God the Father told him to remain there until the final defeat of his enemies. On the day of that battle, Christ will complete that defeat and he will begin his rule on earth (Psalm 110:4-7).

God’s people in heaven will see as Christ rises from his place to fight that final battle (19:11-16). So they will know that the time has at last come for him to rule. He fights the battle and he returns as the bridegroom (see Psalm 45 and Song of Solomon 3:6-11). So, the wedding begins.

Next part: The marriage of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7)


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