Useful Bible Studies > Revelation Commentary > chapter 12

God’s plans for Israel, after Christ’s birth

Revelation 12:6

In this series of pictures, John had seen that the devil’s real enemy was not the woman, but her child. That child will soon rule all nations, and so defeat the devil’s power. However, John also saw that the devil’s anger against the woman continued. When the devil could no longer attack the child, he tried to kill the woman instead (verse 15).

In our opinion, the woman means Israel (see our notes on verses 1-2) and the child means Christ (see verse 5). During his life, John saw that Israel’s troubles did not end with the birth of Christ. Instead, the devil continued to attack Israel fiercely. 40 years after Christ’s death, an army from Rome destroyed Jerusalem in the cruellest manner possible.

As the woman in the pictures had to escape into the desert, so Israel’s people escaped into foreign countries. However, that was not the end of Israel. Although Israel’s people have suffered much, God has looked after them. Now, after almost 2000 years, they are at last returning to their own country.

In the pictures, the woman remained in the desert for 1260 days. That period has, perhaps, both a general and a particular meaning. The general meaning may be the events that we have just described. Israel’s people lived away from their land for a definite period. Now, at the end of that period, they are free to return.

The particular meaning may refer to events immediately before Christ’s return. 1260 days is the same length of time as the 42 months in Revelation 11:2. During those 42 months, foreign armies will act with great cruelty in Jerusalem. These two passages may refer to the same period of time, or they may follow each other. During these great troubles, God will provide for Israel in a wonderful way, even as he provided for Elijah (compare 1 Kings 17:1-6 and James 5:17).

Next part: Michael and his angels (Revelation 12:7)


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© 2016, Keith Simons.