Useful Bible Studies > Revelation Commentary > chapter 21

The time when God will complete all his promises to his people

Revelation 21:6

There is, in the Bible, a series of three great declarations that God’s work is complete. John records each of these declarations in his books.

The first one is in John 19:30. At the moment of his death, Christ declared that he had completed his work. He had defeated the devil’s power (Hebrews 2:14). He had made it possible for God to forgive the sins (evil deeds) of his people (Hebrews 9:28).

Then in Revelation 16:17, an angel (special servant of God) declared that God’s anger against this world’s evil powers was complete (15:1). In other words, God’s anger had achieved its purpose. This is the end of the last great series of judgements in the Book of Revelation.

This final declaration (21:6) refers to a time when God has completed all his promises to his people. They now have the wonderful relationship with God that he always desired for them (Romans 8:18-19; Revelation 21:7).

ALPHA is the first letter in the Greek alphabet: OMEGA is the last one. So ALPHA and OMEGA means the beginning and the end. God is always the same God; he never changes. He was God before the world began. He will be God when all things are complete. All things depend on him. Similar statements to this one appear as the words of Christ in Revelation 1:17 and 22:13. It may be interesting to compare these statements with John 1:1, Matthew 5:18 and Hebrews 13:8.

The last part of Revelation 21:6 is the wonderful promise that also appears in Isaiah 55:1 and John 7:37. God cares deeply about those people who are desperate to have a right relationship with him. This present world will always disappoint them, but God will provide for them. He will satisfy their desire for him in the most wonderful way (John 4:13-14; Luke 11:9-13; 1 Corinthians 2:9-10).

Next part: God’s promise to Christians who overcome (Revelation 21:7)


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© 2016, Keith Simons.