Useful Bible Studies > Romans Commentary > chapter 6

God changes people's lives completely

Romans 6:22

When people invite Christ into their lives, a wonderful change happens in their lives (John 1:12).  That change starts to happen immediately, but we do not always see its effects at once.  God’s work in a person’s life continues for their whole life, and beyond that into the future age.

Especially when God saves someone from a very evil life, the immediate change in their behaviour and attitudes is great.  It is no longer sin (their wrong and evil thoughts, words and actions) that directs their life.  Instead, they have invited God to rule their life.  For such a person, their life has become the complete opposite of what it was before.

In reality, God makes an equally great change in the life of someone who has always tried to live a good life.  Formerly, they struggled to do it, because of the power of sin in their life.  Now, as a Christian, they may still struggle, because the devil opposes them (1 Peter 5:8-9).  However, now God rules their life, and, because of God’s power in their life, they can overcome (Romans 8:37-39; Revelation 12:11).  In Romans 6:20-21, Paul described their lives before they became Christians.  In verse 22, he shows how their lives now are the opposite.  Now, God achieves something wonderful in their lives.  He is making them holy, in other words, he is separating them for himself.

Paul also contrasts the end, or the result, of their lives.  Without God, a person lives only to die.  However, God has a much better and more wonderful future for his people.  At the end of their lives on earth, they will have life without end (John 3:16).  God has prepared a wonderful home for them in heaven and the new Jerusalem (John 14:2; Revelation 21:1-7).

Next part: Sin's terrible reward and God's wonderful gift (Romans 6:23)


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