Useful Bible Studies > 1 Samuel Commentary > chapter 25

Abigail goes to meet David

1 Samuel 25:18-22

Nabal, by his cruel words and evil actions, had become David’s enemy. David had firmly decided to attack both him and the men who worked for him. He did not delay; he intended to kill them all that evening.

Abigail, Nabal’s wife, also did not delay. One of Nabal’s servants had told her how cruelly Nabal had replied to David. Abigail realised that she must act at once to save her family and her servants from David’s punishment. She acted wisely. Perhaps she could not save her wicked husband. However, she hoped to save her servants, who were innocent in this matter. She also desired to save David himself, so that he would not be guilty of this evil deed against innocent men.

David led 600 men. Abigail wanted to give a gift that would provide something good for them all. It was a great task to prepare a good meal for so many men. However, the situation was urgent and the task was important. Her purpose was not to feed people but to save innocent lives.

Of course she did not tell her husband. Nabal would never approve of her plan; he intended to make David angry. Nabal probably thought all the food was for himself and his friends. He intended to eat and to drink as plentifully as a king that night (25:36).

As soon as the food was ready, Abigail ordered her servants to take it to David. She herself would ride behind her gift.

She was just in time. David, with 400 of his men, was already approaching. They all had swords. David had just made a serious promise to kill Nabal and all the men who worked for him. Abigail had shown great wisdom. Now she must urge David to act wisely too.

Next part: Abigail urges David not to attack Nabal (1 Samuel 25:23-27)


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© 2014, Keith Simons.