Useful Bible Studies > 1 Samuel Commentary > chapter 12
This was Samuel’s speech on the occasion in 1 Samuel 11:14-15. It was Samuel’s last great speech to the nation that he had led for most of his life.
Although Samuel had been Israel’s leader, he had led as a judge and not as a king. God himself was Israel’s king (12:12). So Samuel did not make laws and he did not establish a government. Instead, he declared what God had shown to him (3:21; 9:9).
Now, however, the people in Israel had demanded that a king should rule their nation. Samuel did not approve, but God told him to allow it (8:6-9; 8:22). So Samuel appointed King Saul. In his speech, Samuel referred to the king as God’s ‘anointed’. By that word, Samuel was referring to the ceremony called ‘the anointing’ in 1 Samuel 10:1. That showed the relationship between Israel’s king and God.
Samuel reminded the people that he had always dealt with them in a proper manner. He did not make unfair profits from his work as judge. He did not accept gifts from anyone who was trying to change his opinion about a matter. He did not use his importance to take things that did not belong to him. He did not act in a cruel or unfair manner towards weaker people. Samuel had always carried out his duties in a sincere and honest manner.
Samuel invited anyone present to accuse him. Nobody spoke against him. They all declared, in front of God, that Samuel was innocent of any such wrong deed.
When Samuel had given the people the opportunity to accuse him, he then accused them. He would show them that they had not been loyal to God. He would prove to them that they were guilty of many wrong and evil deeds.
Next part: God does not always refuse a wrong request (1 Samuel 12:6-8)
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© 2014, Keith Simons.