Useful Bible Studies > Revelation Commentary > chapter 12

Christ receives his place at God’s right side

Revelation 12:5

God was showing John a series of pictures. The purpose of these pictures was to explain to John the reason for the events that John would soon describe.

So, John saw a son, who will soon rule all nations with an iron rod (stick). That description comes from Psalm 2:9, where it describes the rule of God’s Son, Christ. John uses that description again, to mean Christ, in Revelation 19:15. The description emphasises how powerful Christ’s rule will be: nobody will be able successfully to oppose him.

That was why the devil in Revelation 12:4, was so desperate to kill the son and to destroy his power. He tried to overcome Christ before God gave that absolute power and authority to him. He opposed Christ in his weakest state, while Christ lived upon this earth as a man.

In the pictures, John saw how, with great force, God took the child into heaven. God seized that child away from the devil, to a place where the devil could not attack him.

That was what happened to Christ. He died upon the cross, but God would not allow his Son to remain dead. Paul writes about the power with which Christ rose from death (Philippians 3:10; Ephesians 1:19-21). Now, his place is on God’s throne (royal seat) in heaven, where he sits on the right side of God (Hebrews 1:3). He waits there until the time when God has chosen to defeat all his enemies (1 Corinthians 15:25; Psalm 110:1). That is when Christ’s rule over all nations will begin (Psalm 2).

Next part: God’s plans for Israel, after Christ’s birth (Revelation 12:6)


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© 2016, Keith Simons.