Useful Bible Studies > Songs of Ascent Commentary

Last part: David’s promise to God


Psalm 132

The ark of the covenant

Psalm 132:6-10

These verses are about the sacred object called ‘the ark of the covenant’. An ark is a special box. God’s covenant is the special promises that he has made to his people. So the ark of the covenant was a box that was evidence of God’s promises to Israel. And it showed that God was present with his people.

God told Moses how to make the ark (Exodus 25:10-22). Moses put the ark in the most holy place in the sacred tent (called the tabernacle).

The ark travelled with the people as they went through the desert (Numbers 10:33-36). God brought his people into Israel where he gave them the land as their permanent possession. But there was still no permanent place for the ark. It remained in a tent.

David wanted the permanent house of God, called the temple, to be in Jerusalem. And he knew that the ark should have a permanent place in the temple’s most holy room. The ark was the most important object in Israel’s *worship.

Next part: David searches for the ark

See the word list for explanation of words with a *


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© 2015, Keith Simons.