Useful Bible Studies > Songs of Ascent Commentary

Last part: The wife and children of the man who respects God


Psalm 128

God’s perfect desire for families

The man in Psalm 128 respects God. And the man’s family respects that man. This is how God wants families to be. The man has taught his children to respect God. They are learning how, like him, they can achieve good results in their lives. Such good results can only happen when people have a right relationship with God.

In some English translations, verse 4 seems similar to the first line of verse 1. Those translations use the word ‘blessed’ in both places. But in the original language, the poet used different words. In verse 1, he is describing the state (quality of life) of the man who respects God. This man knows real happiness and satisfaction. In verse 4, the poet is describing the reason for this. God has shown his kindness to this man.

One way to translate verses 5-6 is as a prayer. The poet prays that God will do these good things for this man. Another way to translate it as a declaration. The poet declares that these good things will happen to this man. But perhaps it is better to say that the poet expresses God’s perfect desires for his people.

God always wants to do good things for his people. The poet asks God to show his kindness from Zion. That was where God’s house, called the temple, was. So that was where God lived among his people. And that was where they offered their *sacrifices to him. There, they *worshipped him.

Next part: God’s plans for Israel

See the word list for explanation of words with a *


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© 2015, Keith Simons.