Useful Bible Studies > Songs of Ascent Commentary

Last part: How God can forgive us


Psalm 130


The poet in Psalm 130 was confident that God would help him. So the poet had hope. That was why he waited. Only the person who hopes to receive something will wait for that thing. And the person will continue to wait as long as he still has hope.

God does not disappoint the person who waits for God. Hope in God is never hopeless! That is because the reason for our hope in God is God’s promises. That is, his word. For example, people must confess their evil deeds to God and they must invite him into their lives. If a person does these things, God promises to forgive that person (Acts 3:19). That person may not feel as if God has forgiven him. But that person can have confidence as he trusts God. God has given his promise. And God does everything that he promises to do.

So the poet was eager as he waited for God. The poet knew that he deserved God’s punishment. But the poet was not waiting for God to punish him. He was waiting, with hope, for God to rescue him. He knew that God had promised to forgive him. He knew that God would free him completely from his evil deeds.

Each city had guards. They watched the city to keep it safe. They were on duty through the night. And they waited for the morning.

People who believe God are also waiting. They wait for God to establish his rule. See, for example, Luke 2:25. In that example, Simeon was waiting for Christ to come for the first time. Christ came then to establish his rule in the hearts, minds and spirits of people who trust God. Today, people who believe God are also waiting. They wait for Christ to come for the second time. Then he will establish his rule completely on this earth. He will defeat the evil forces that control this world (Revelation 20:1-6).

1 Thessalonians 5:4-6 compares that event to the beginning of a new day. And Mark 13:34-37 compares believers to someone who must watch through the night.

Many evil things happen by night, for example, thieves often steal at night. People use the darkness to hide their wicked behaviour (Job 24:13-17). But those activities end when the day begins. So the day became a word picture in the Bible for God’s future rule over the earth. ‘Joy comes in the morning’ (Psalm 30:5).

Next part: The poet urges people to ask God to save them

See the word list for explanation of words with a *


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© 2015, Keith Simons.