Useful Bible Studies > Songs of Ascent Commentary
Last part: A prayer for peace in Jerusalem
Jerusalem will only know peace when Messiah rules there. ‘Messiah’ means the person from David’s family whom God has appointed to rule on his behalf. And when he rules, the whole world will have peace. He will establish right judgements. So he, the Messiah, will save God’s people (See Isaiah 11:1-9 and Isaiah 32:1-5).
God will not allow the power of evil rulers to continue always. It is his plan to change this world completely.
The word ‘Christ’ is a translation of the word ‘Messiah’. Both words mean the same thing. ‘Christ’ is in the language called Greek; ‘Messiah’ is in the language called Hebrew. Christians call Jesus ‘Christ’. So they are saying that he is the Messiah.
Of course, Jesus has not established peace in this world yet. But he has begun his rule. He is ruling in the hearts, minds and spirits of people who love him. And the Bible promises that he will return. He will return to act as judge against all that is evil and wicked in this world. He will end the power of cruel rulers and governments. He will establish his rule upon the earth.
The Bible calls him ‘the prince of peace’ (Isaiah 9:6) and ‘the King of kings’ (Revelation 19:16).
Next part: Psalm 122 as poetry
See the word list for explanation of words with a *
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© 2015, Keith Simons.