Useful Bible Studies > Songs of Ascent Commentary

Last part: Psalm 131


Psalm 131

A little child’s attitudes

In Psalm 131:2, David saw that a little child’s attitudes were the proper attitudes in order to serve God. Little children can be very humble. They know how to trust completely. And they can be very loyal. God wants his people to behave in such a manner.

But of course, David knew that the behaviour of little children is often not good. He thought about a child when his mother first refuses him milk. That child cries, and he becomes angry. He may say that his mother does not still love him. He does not want to grow up. Of course, David did not admire those attitudes.

But after that experience, the child’s attitudes change. He becomes quiet again. Again, he finds comfort from his mother. But he has become more mature. He does not still want her milk. He knows that she will provide for him in other ways. He has learned to trust his mother. And he is humble. He realises that she is wiser than him.

In our relationship with God, we too sometimes have difficult experiences. Perhaps God allows us to suffer some troubles. And perhaps we imagine that he does not still love us. We do not realise that he is using those experiences to teach us. If we are humble, then we will learn from him. And we will develop a more mature relationship with him. We will learn to trust him more. We will become more humble. We will know that he is wiser than us.

Next part: Hope in God

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© 2015, Keith Simons.