Useful Bible Studies > Songs of Ascent Commentary

Last part: Psalm 123 as poetry


Psalm 123

Psalm 123: Something to do

1. God’s people should be able to recognise his instructions. Find the verse that says this in John 10:1-18.

2. Jesus also told people to watch and to wait. But he used a different story about servants and their master to teach this lesson. Read it in Mark 13:32-37.

3. Soon afterwards, Jesus told his disciples (special students) that they needed to watch and to pray. Find out what happened next, from Mark 14:32-42.

4. Hebrews chapter 11 contains some examples of people who waited for God’s help. Prepare a list of those people, and the things that they were waiting for. Some of those people did not receive those things during their lives. But the writer shows that God did not disappoint them. Try to understand how this can be so.

Next part: Psalm 124

See the word list for explanation of words with a *


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© 2015, Keith Simons.