Useful Bible Studies > Songs of Ascent Commentary

Last part: A lesson about seeds and the harvest


Psalm 126

Psalm 126 as poetry

·        Here is a poem that explains each verse and each word picture in Psalm 126. First, compare it with the translation in your Bible. This will help you to understand the parts of Psalm 126 that may seem difficult. Then use the poem again when you pray. Perhaps you have had experiences like those that the author of Psalm 126 had. Then you will be able to make the poem into your own prayer to God.

Psalm 126

A song for the journey to Jerusalem.


[1] God gave liberty to his people.

They had been prisoners in a foreign country.

But God brought them home to Zion (Jerusalem).

That event was as wonderful as a dream.

[2] We laughed and we sang.

Even people in foreign countries declared:

‘God has done wonderful things for them.’

[3] God had done wonderful things for us.

We are very glad.


[4] God, give liberty to your people again.

That event will be as special when streams appear in the desert.

[5] People may cry when they sow grain.

But they will sing because of their great joy at the harvest.

[6] Yes, a man may weep when he goes out to sow his seed.

But when he returns, he will sing because of his great joy.

He will sing because the harvest is so plentiful.

Next part: Psalm 126: Something to do

See the word list for explanation of words with a *


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© 2015, Keith Simons.