Useful Bible Studies > Songs of Ascent Commentary
Last part: Psalm 120
Christians have to live in this world, where many evil people surround them. Christians do not belong to this world, like other people. They belong to God. Their permanent home is not in this world, but in heaven.
God has sent us into this world so that other people may believe in Christ. For a temporary period, we live here, and we are Christ’s witnesses. Jesus spoke about this in his prayer in John 17:14-21.
However, when we become Christians, we must leave many things from this world. We must not continue to follow our evil thoughts, desires and attitudes. Instead, we invite God into our lives. And we ask for his help so that we can obey him.
Of course, sometimes we will still do wrong things that are against God’s law. Then we must confess those things to God, and he will forgive us (1 John 1:9).
Sometimes we may have to leave people because we believe God. Or, people may leave us. Our friends and relatives may become our enemies (Mark 13:12). Perhaps we will decide to leave some friends because they urge us to do wrong things.
Sometimes a husband is a Christian, and his wife is not. Paul said that such a husband should not leave his wife. If she is content to live with him, they should not divorce (1 Corinthians 7:12). Paul added that, perhaps, God will use the husband to save his wife (1 Corinthians 7:16).
But if we must leave people because of our belief in God, Jesus has a promise for us. We might have to leave a few people whom we love. But even in this world, God will give us many more people to love (Mark 10:29-30). There will always be trouble for us in this world. However, in the next world (heaven), our troubles will end. Then, we will always live with God. God is making a permanent home for us (Revelation chapter 21).
Next part: Psalm 120 as poetry
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© 2015, Keith Simons.