About CrossFire

About these songs CrossFire Ascent

CrossFire are a singing group based in Bowdon, South Manchester, UK; under the musical direction of Colin Schofield. They include members from many different types of churches, including Anglicans (Church of England), Methodist, and Pentecostal.

Colin records his songs on a Yamaha keyboard; his group is an interesting example of a Spirit-filled worship group that uses pre-recorded music.

Colin comments that these songs have a quality that reminds him of Anglican Psalm Chant. However, he has chosen to set them to modern styles of music. The members of CrossFire have made a recording of real worship here; one that you can join in with, and sing along with.

CrossFire have recorded the following songs for us:

He who never changes

I will sing forever

In God alone

May my prayer

As the mountains

Your love is better than life

© 2011 Keith Simons